Frequently asked questions about Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy for Men
- Prostate Cancer
- Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) – prostate enlargement
- Prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate)
- Proctalgia Frugax (Anal pain of unknown cause)
- Levator Ani Syndrome
- Pudendal Neuralgia
- Difficulty, pain or hesitancy when urinating/incomplete emptying
- Increase in frequency/urgency with bladder and/or bowel
- Nocturia (excessive urination at night)
- Pain with a bowel movement
- Pain with ejaculation
- Pain felt at the tip of the penis, at the testes/scrotum, rectum, tailbone
- Blood in the urine or semen
Problems may arise, largely due to the design of the prostate. This walnut sized gland sits at the base of the bladder, in front of the rectum and behind the penis. The prostate is responsible for secreting a slightly alkaline, milky fluid that makes up about 30% of the semen. Below the bladder and above the prostate lies an internal urinary sphincter and below the prostate lies an external urinary sphincter. These sphincters help control fluids leaving the body through the penis. The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder, travels through the center of the prostate and through to the penis.
When the prostate enlarges, it may compress the urethra causing you to have urinary issues such as hesitancy, frequency, etc. When the prostate is removed, the internal urinary sphincter is often damaged leading to urine emptying through the urethra when you don’t want it to. Radiation can often irritate the surrounding tissues and cause urinary frequency.

Why does the internal urinary sphincter become damaged when the issue is with the prostate? The close proximity of this sphincter, between the bladder and the prostate makes it very difficult to visualize during surgery so often it is either damaged or removed. The internal urinary sphincter is made up of smooth muscle and is under autonomic control.
This means that it is doing its job without you knowing or actively participating. When this sphincter is either removed or damaged, it no longer prevents urine leaving the body automatically and leaking may occur. Now the responsibility must fall on the external urinary sphincter. This sphincter is made up of skeletal muscle and is under your voluntary control. This is the sphincter that you will learn how to improve the control of. Pelvic floor physiotherapy will help you retrain your pelvic floor muscles to gain more control with your bladder.

- Poor diet; high in saturated fat and low in fiber
- Family history of prostate cancer
- Age over 50 years
- Lifestyle changes with diet and exercise
- Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT)
- Prostatectomy (Prostate Removal)
- External Beam Radiation
- Brachytherapy
- Chemotherapy
- Lifestyle changes such as maintaining a healthy weight, getting regular exercise, limiting bladder irritants such as caffeine and alcohol
- Medications to slow the growth of the cells and/or to lessen the amount of testosterone
- Prostatectomy – removal of the prostate
- Medications such as alpha-adrenergic blockers to help relax the prostate muscles, muscle relaxants to help with the pain or anti-inflammatories
- Herbal supplements
- Warm baths
- A soft cushion to sit on
- Avoiding bladder irritants such as caffeine, alcohol and spicy foods
- Sexual Activity
- Stress
- Passing Stools
- Constipation
- Medications to relax the rectal muscles
- Warm baths
- Stretching
- Breathing exercises