Pelvic Floor Online Workshop

I am excited to share this with you…my first pelvic floor online workshop!

This first pelvic floor workshop is geared towards the Fitness and Pilates teachers so you will be able to help your clients in the exercise environment when they are having issues with weaker pelvic floors.

I’ve worked in the fitness industry for many years and I’ve seen how classes have become available to populations with different challenges and pathologies. It is time for pelvic floor issues to be included as well!

More than 30% of our population suffer with incontinence issues. Oftentimes, small problems could have been helped so much sooner rather than turning into bigger problems. People want to continue doing the activities they love and many of these people do some sort of formal exercise, like yoga, Pilates, group fitness classes, CrossFit, personal training, etc.The more knowledge we have about pelvic floors and what might go wrong with them, the better we are able to help our clients so they can continue to come to their gym or studio.

So, this first workshop is dealing with weak pelvic floors as I thought this would be a good start in the fitness environment. It will include anatomy, risk factors, overused obliques, integration ideas into the fitness environment, and more…









Overuse of external oblique muscles
















I definitely want to offer more:

men and their pelvic floor

Pilates specific pelvic floor

Pelvic floor and return to running



… and more

Please check out the intro video and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me at


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