Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: Rehab the Runner

A great way to rehab the runner is using the reformer! There are many painful injuries a runner can experience that may keep them from doing what they love best! An issue that is not painful but equally as disabling is when the pelvic floor muscles are allowing you to leak while you run. As a runner, you don’t want this to become a barrier to doing what you love. Learn some Pilates exercises on the reformer and rehab your pelvic floor back to running!

If you are a runner with weakened pelvic floor muscles, you need to strengthen them! Follow some guidelines listed below and check out the link below to view the video using the reformer to help you get back to doing what you love.

Rehab the runner:

Train your pelvic floor muscles in isolation
This allows you to focus on just those muscles. Make sure you aren’t squeezing your glutes, inner things or overworking your belly muscles. Pull up and in with your PFM’s!

Add in some functional positions
Performing squats, lunges, pulling and pushing movements incorporates movements that we do all throughout our days into our exercise programs. Exhale and pull up and in with your PFM’s on the tougher part of the movement.

Add in some impact; if possible on a shuttle or reformer
This gives your body another stress to have to deal with but allows your PFM’s to get used to supporting you without the full force of gravity. Make sure your PFM’s are pulled up and in before your foot hits the jump board

Check out the video at: to see the exercises on how to rehab the runner using the reformer

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