Physiotherapy bases Pilates addresses your static and dynamic movement patterns. How you are holding your body as you stand, sit, do your work and move about your day, dictates the amount of stress your muscles, joints and associated tissues will experience.
- Pelvic health issues
- All musculoskeletal issues
- Returning to the sport or hobby you love
- Correcting and/or managing chronic issues you just can’t seem to change

Physiotherapy based Pilates always starts with an initial physiotherapy assessment to identify any musculoskeletal challenges and map out your goals. Your Pilates sessions are then geared around this. After 4-6 sessions, we re-evaluate and if needed, another 4-6 sessions are included.
This therapeutic direction helps you understand how to move more efficiently and with less pain in your body. What you learn here, you will add into everything else you do!
*** Your extended health benefits may cover this ***
- Most people; both men and women
- Someone who is not in acute pain
- People who appreciate an active approach to healing
- People who are keen to learn how to move their body better