What is the Pelvic Floor?

The pelvic floor is a series of muscles that are situated between the pubic bone and the tailbone lengthwise and between the sit bones side to side. The pelvic floor has many functions, including: Support for your bladder and bowel as well as supporting the uterus in women It gives you the ability to control …

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Want Better Sex?

If you want better sex, you need to make sure your pelvic floor is strong! Sure, there are a lot of other things that help you have better sex, but why not start from the inside out??? Make sure your pelvic floor muscles are strong and flexible so they can help you have the best …

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My 3R Method

I have been using My 3R Method for many, many years! I want to share My 3R Method with you so your rehab experience will be even more successful! What is My 3R Method? My 3R Method is, “Release, Rebuild, Retrain” Release Release tight muscles and stiff joints Rebuild Strengthen weak muscles and create stability …

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Pelvic Floor Muscle Strengthening Exercises

Are you wondering how to do pelvic floor strengthening exercises? Follow along so I can give you some great info that you can put into practice right away! The pelvic floor muscles need to be both strong and flexible. In this post, I’ll talk about how you can strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. What I …

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