Stretching With Intention

Although there are many different ways to stretch a muscle, becoming more aware of what you are stretching and how you are stretching can be a much more effective way to use your time. A muscle will experience a great stretch, and therefore increased length, when it is brought into its stretch position relaxed, held …

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Pilates for Flat Feet

Pronating too much, or having flat feet, may contribute to foot pain, knee pain, hip pain or back pain.  Whether you are a pilates participant or a pilates instructor, there are some great exercises to help promote great foot control. The most common biomechanical imbalances leading to overpronation are: Weak later fibers of the gluteus …

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Flat Feet…A Muscle Imbalance Issue

Pronation, or the inside of the foot rolling closer towards the ground, is a necessary part of the normal gait cycle, but when the foot rolls inwards too much, it can cause problems.  Flat feet or collapsed arches, terms commonly used to describe this foot dysfunction, can often be helped once you recognize your muscle …

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