Pelvic floor exercises using the image of a clock can be helpful to find those inside muscles we can’t see.

It can be hard to feel our pelvic floor muscles working, simply because we can't see them. Because of this, it can be really helpful to visualize something to represent our pelvic floor muscles
To start working on your Pelvic Floor Exercises:
- lay down on your back
- hold either a clock or use a piece of paper labelled like a clock on top of your belly
- 12 o’clock represents your bladder/pubic bone – the top
- 6 o’clock represents your butt or tailbone – the bottom
- 9 and 3 represent the left and right sides of your pelvic floor
The actual exercises for strengthening

Try the different options below to feel your pelvic floor muscles contract:
- Imagine drawing 6 o’clock closer to 12 o’clock
- Imagine drawing 9 and 3 closer together
- Now draw 9 towards 3, then reverse and draw 3 towards 9
- Contract your pelvic floor muscles at the number 1, then 2, then 3…..and make your way around the clock; then reverse the direction
The actual exercises for lengthening

Yes, you do need to lengthen or stretch these muscles! How are you going to stretch these muscles? With your breath. As you inhale your pelvic floor muscles want to lower, to lengthen, to stretch. So, use a big belly breath to inhale and picture the air moving right down into your pelvic floor as you reverse the above exercises.
- Imagine moving 6 and 12 further away from each other as you inhale
- Breathe more space in between 9 and 3
- Inhale into each individual number
Finding your pelvic floor muscles
If you are not sure if you able to feel the movement of your pelvic floor, then have a look at this video for some further help:
Why are these exercises important?
These muscles are just like all the other muscles in our body; they need to be used. Even more information about the necessity of why we need to work these muscles can be found here:
How often should you do your exercises?
Do your pelvic floor exercises 2-3x per week if you aren’t having any pelvic floor issues. If you are having any pelvic floor issues such as prolapse, leaking or you are finding yourself in the bathroom way more than you would like to be, please seek out the help from a pelvic health physiotherapist to guide you. Integrating the movements of your pelvic floor muscles in with your daily activities, your hobbies, your sport or exercise is the best way to ensure healthy pelvic floor muscles!
If you would like even more help strengthening your core and pelvic floor, check out my online course at: