Sacroiliac Joint Issues

SIJ issues can become a chronic, persistent problem affecting the way someone is able to function. The pain is felt at the posterior aspect of the pelvis but the reason the pain is there can come from many other parts of the body. How do I treat SIJ issues differently? After finding the specific muscle …

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What is Sciatica

Sciatica causes a disabling pain that is felt in the buttocks and oftentimes down the back of the leg. It can either be referred from the lower back or the sciatic nerve may be compressed by the piriformis muscle in the buttocks region. Either way, there is too much tension through the lumbar spine and/or …

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What is Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome?

Patellofemoral pain syndrome, or PFPS, is a common problem for many people. PFPS is a syndrome that is described as pain felt in the knee. It often originates from the interaction of the femur (thigh bone) against the patella (kneecap). There is often too much of a pull along the lateral quadriceps muscles and lateral …

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